Board Game Publisher

A Guide to Finding the Right Publisher for Your Board Game

Congratulations on reaching the exciting stage of game design where you’re ready to launch your creation into the world! Finding the ideal board game publisher is a vital milestone in expanding the reach of your game. While the journey may evoke a mix of excitement and apprehension, employing a strategic method can enhance the likelihood of securing the ideal publishing collaborator.

In this article, we’ll explore some essential steps to guide you through the journey of finding a correct board game publisher.

Research the Board Game Market

Before diving into the search for a publisher, it’s essential to have a solid understanding of the board game market. Identify successful games that share similarities with yours and analyze the publishers behind them. Pay attention to the type of games each publisher specializes in and their distribution networks. Knowing the landscape will help you target publishers who align with your game’s genre and style.

Attend Board Game Conventions and Events

Board Game Events

Board game conventions are fertile grounds for networking and showcasing your game to potential publishers. Attend events like Gen Con, Essen Spiel, or local gaming conventions where industry professionals gather. In-person encounters have the potential to create a lasting impact and increase your chances of finding a publisher interested in your project.

For more info about board game conventions, please check – Famous Board Game Conventions in The World (By Countries)

Utilize Online Platforms

Online platforms like BoardGameGeek, social media groups, and dedicated forums allow you to share details about your game and interact with publishers directly. Many publishers actively browse these platforms in search of fresh and innovative projects. Create engaging content, participate in discussions, and reach out to publishers who express interest in games similar to yours.

Build a Strong Online Presence

Establishing an online presence is crucial for gaining visibility in the board game industry. Create a website or a dedicated page for your game, showcasing its features, gameplay mechanics, and visual elements. Consistently update compelling content about your game design journey on your social media. Publishers often scour the internet for promising projects, so having a well-maintained online presence can attract their attention.

Craft a Pitch

When approaching potential publishers, your pitch serves as the initial impression. Create a captivating and succinct presentation that emphasizes the distinctive features that will make your game stand out. Clearly communicate the theme, mechanics, and target audience. Include images or videos that showcase the visual appeal and gameplay. A well-prepared pitch not only conveys your passion but also makes it easier for publishers to understand the potential of your game.

Prepare a Prototype

Board Game Prototype

A visually appealing and well-designed prototype demonstrates your commitment to the project and makes it easier for publishers to envision the final product. Ensure that the components are well-crafted, the rules are clear, and the overall presentation is professional. A high-quality prototype increases your game’s perceived value and attractiveness to publishers.

For more information about making a prototype, please check – How To Make A Board Game Prototype (Step by Step)

Compile a Targeted List of Publishers

Rather than adopting a scattergun approach, analyze their notable games, and curate a list of publishers that align with your game style. Consider the size and reputation of each publisher, as well as their track record with games similar to yours. Prioritize publishers who have successfully launched games in your niche and have a distribution network that fits your goals.

A simplified comparison of famous game publishers

Publisher Name

Notable Games

Key Strengths

Global Presence


Ticket to Ride, Catan, Carcassonne

Diverse portfolio, strong distribution network, strategic acquisitions



Monopoly, Scrabble, Risk, Settlers of Catan

Iconic brands, extensive licensing, broad market reach



The Settlers of Catan, Carcassonne, Disney Villainous

Long-standing reputation, family-friendly games, quality production


Fantasy Flight Games

Star Wars: X-Wing, Arkham Horror LCG, Twilight Imperium

Strong thematic games, immersive storytelling, association with popular IPs


Days of Wonder

Ticket to Ride, Memoir '44, Small World

Focus on high-quality, easy-to-learn games, international success


Z-Man Games

Pandemic, Carcassonne, Terra Mystica

Acclaimed for innovative designs, diverse game library


GMT Games

Twilight Struggle, COIN series, Commands & Colors series

Specialization in wargames, historical depth, dedicated fan base


Stonemaier Games

Scythe, Viticulture, Wingspan

Crowdfunding success, strong community engagement, focus on quality


CMON Limited

Zombicide, Blood Rage, Rising Sun

Miniature-centric games, Kickstarter success, visually striking components


Rio Grande Games

Dominion, Puerto Rico, Race for the Galaxy

Pioneers in Euro-style games, long-lasting success, strategic depth


Submit Queries and Prototypes

Once you’ve compiled your list of targeted publishers, submit queries and prototypes to initiate the conversation. Tailor your submissions to each publisher, addressing why your game aligns with their portfolio. Include key information, such as gameplay mechanics, target audience, and unique features. Be respectful of submission guidelines, as publishers often have specific requirements for reviewing game proposals.

Be Open to Feedback

Be open to suggestions and critiques from publishers who take the time to review your game. Use this feedback to improve your game, demonstrating your commitment to its success. Publishers appreciate designers who are receptive to input and willing to collaborate on making the game the best it can be.

Negotiate Terms and Agreements

If a publisher expresses interest in your game, be prepared to negotiate terms and agreements. Comprehend the stipulations outlined in the contract, encompassing royalties, distribution rights, and any potential creative control you wish to maintain. Consider seeking legal counsel, if necessary, to guarantee the fairness and favorability of the terms for both parties involved. A clear and mutually beneficial agreement establishes the foundation for a prosperous partnership.


With thorough research, strategic networking, a well-prepared approach, and continuous improvement based on feedback, you can increase your chances of attracting the attention of a reputable publisher.

The right publisher awaits, ready to showcase your game to a broader audience.

Best of luck on your journey in board game design and publishing!